Monday, January 11, 2021

Employee Spotlight: Colleen If you have been to Galveston's 61st Street Fishing Pier in the last five years, you surely have made the acquaintance of the General Manager, Colleen. She has lived all over the country, but found her tribe in Galveston. Colleen worked for the National Parks Service around the country including Glacier, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Park. Being the youngest of six children from Illinois, she only wanted one thing in life, to be the boss. Colleen has been bossy ever since, and used her bossing skills for good. She is the mother of three and the grandmother of four. Lola, her cat, chose Colleen as a human companion. Her favorite part of being the General Manager at the pier is the challenge of solving day to day issues and mentoring her employees. Her goal has always been to create positive change in herself, her staff, and her community. Her passion/pet peeve is keeping plastic bags out of the ocean. Colleen can be seen around Galveston enjoying local seafood with a glass of wine, sitting on Stewart Beach, or gardening in her yard. Next time you are at the pier, make sure to say hello and ask her about her first puppy love, Donnie Osmond.

61st Street Fishing Pier

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