Saturday, January 2, 2021

Employee Spotlight: Milam One of six siblings, Milam is originally from Toledo Bend, TX. He has lived in Galveston for three years with his dog, Patches. Milam is passionate about marine conservation and is concerned with protecting the oceans. His dream vacation would be to Hawaii or whale watching in Alaska. He enjoys all water sports and taking Patches to the beach. Milam is one of our TPW Certified Angler Education Instructor and is assisting with the development of our education programs. He has an associates degree and wants to continue his education in marine biology. His pursuit for knowledge makes Milam a wealth of information. He is also a Galveston CTA (certified tourism ambassador) so if you have any questions about fishing or need a recommendation on the island, he's your man! #61pier

61st Street Fishing Pier

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