Friday, December 18, 2020

Employee Profile: Baltimore Baltimore has been the Snack Bar Manager at Galveston's 61st Street Fishing Pier for almost 5 years. He moved to Galveston from his home town, Midland, TX, and is now a proud IBC. He loves the pier because he has met people from all over the world. After working for 30 years in the grocery business, he decided to quit his job and move to the beach, and now looks forward to going to work every day. Baltimore traveled to Hawaii last year and was overwhelmed by it's beauty. As a child, Baltimore was fascinated by the carnival and wanted to run away and join them. Instead he focused on learning how to cook and write short stories, activities he still enjoys. The "Baltimore Special" is available in the snack bar, and if you want to know what it is, stop by and try it!

61st Street Fishing Pier

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